Category Archives: Buildings / Photo



The work shows a section of the architecture of the former Botanical Institute adjacent to the Botanical Garden in Frankfurt am Main. The tree of the gods (Ailanthus altissima), which is part of the picture, invasively colonises the vacant spaces of large cities as a neophyte, including Frankfurt. In this place, the tree close to the house becomes a sign of vacancy and wasted potential uses.
The motif shows a small yet characteristic part of the building façade of the Kramer Building: the reinforced concrete structure clad in yellow clinker bricks, ventilation openings and windows closed with screens and wooden panels. The architectural elements photographed from the front create an abstract (pastel/grey) surface grid. Only the moving branches of the tree and the changing incidence of light and shadows make the image recognisable as a moving image.
In its naturalistic colourfulness and size, the video relates directly to the current presentation space. The movement of the light and the tree creates the duration.
Two photographs taken during the video production process were edited for large-format prints. The first photograph shows the motif before the sunlight hits the façade. The second photograph shows the façade in sunlight. In the photographs, the abstraction in the greyscale draws attention to the differentiated formal structure of the motif, to the surfaces and lines that are shaped differently in the two states. The simultaneous visibility of the two image states, which are half an hour behind each other at the time of the photograph, provokes comparison and opens up a visible space of possibility.

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WINDOWS: Views into the Landscape

Treppenhausfenster / Landschaft
Finestre di Scale / Paesaggio
Stairwell Window / Landscape
Block / Lotto  5 // Level / Piano  9
35 mm Focal Length
Photographs / Montage
Archive Print
75 × 50 cm (Image Size)

Treppenhausfenster / Landschaft
Finestre di Scale / Paesaggio
Stairwell Window / Landscape
Block / Lotto  3 Level / Piano  8
35 mm Focal Length
Photographs / Montage
Archive Print
75 × 50 cm (Image Size)

Martina Wolf interessiert sich für Strukturen, Geome­trien und Stadtlandschaften, die das Gegenteil dessen darstellen, was wir herkömmlich als idyllisch identifi­zieren. Im Rahmen eines Reise- und Rechercheprojektes zur künstlerischen Rezeption der italienischen Landschaft hat die Künstlerin sich ein auf den ersten Blick ungewöhnliches Motiv ausgesucht: Nuovo Corviale, ein langgestreckter, mauerartiger Wohnblock, der die Stadt Rom von der römischen Campagna trennt. Die Trennung funktioniert noch heute. Blickt man aus den oberen Geschossen in Richtung Westen, sieht man einen grünen Hang, Gemüsegärten, im Frühjahr weiden die Schafe. Idylle der römischen Campagna.

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Круглий Дом Round House / Moscow


A residential building in Moscow, constructed in the sixties, in the District of Matveyevskoye. The house is doughnut-shaped with a diameter of more than one hundred meters. A green area serves as its centre. The residential quarters embrace the courtyard and affect its atmosphere.
In the years 2006 and 2007, the Round House appears like a cell in the vast urban body of Moscow, a cell, where the changes of the entire city are filtered and illustrated in a decelerated fashion. The unsophisticated nature of details, in particular of windows and doors made of cheap materials and the explicit colouration, are not yet conform with the new Western lifestyle. The space of the Round House permitted the Soviet modes of everyday residential living in its practical and also decorative arrangements a prolonged survival. Photographs, video sketches and a projection draft relate to this transition.


Круглий Дом  Round House  Rundes Haus 
Moscow 2006/07
Photographs, Video Sketches
View in the inner courtyard,
Perspective on the house from the residential building aside

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